BIRD webtool


Estimation plot

Total reads per variant
Number of replicates
BIRD Info Cards

Proportion of true regulatory variants that are detected.


FDR (False Discovery Rate) is the proportion of predicted regulatory variants that are false positives.


MAF (Minor allele frequency) is proportion of chromosomes containing the minor allele.

Effect size

Proportionate reduction in transcription, due to the alternate allele.

Number of replicates

The number of RNA replicate experiments.

Sequencing depth

Total number of RNA reads covering a variant. The same number of DNA reads are also assumed.

Other notes

Each point is based on 10,000 simulated variants.

A missing point means that the sequencing depth needed to satisfy the selected constraints is greater than 50,000 reads per variant.

A result of "no data" means that the selected constraints could not be satisfied at any of the simulated sequencing depths and numbers of replicates.

Reads per variant (y-axis) can be computed by dividing your total sequencing depth by the total length of the assayed genomic regions.